Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chunky Bites

For the last couple months Annie, who turned one January 15, has been more and more interested in feeding herself. Other than cubing up bananas, grapes, and avocados, we were having a hard time coming up with fruits and vegetables that would make good finger foods. Organic fruit cups or freeze dried fruits were hard to come by but most fruits and vegetables seemed scary by how hard they are. We spent much time trying to figure out how to cook vegetables that could be diced but still mushy, would freeze well and could be easily served.

We are pleased to announce our first tastes of "Chunky Bites". Our first vegetable will be organic zucchini and our first fruit will be organic apple. Annie has really been enjoying both of these and it is so convenient to let her feed herself something other than noodles or cereal! They will be available with the first February orders and will still be available by the cube, only diced instead of pureed. Simply defrost in the fridge overnight or the same way as you do the purees. We are looking forward to expanding this line and can't wait to share them with your babies!

*note: While a full set of teeth are not required (Annie has just two), we do recommend waiting until your baby is at least 10 months old before offering chunky bites. It is also important to always be near your child when allowing self-feeding practice in case of choking.

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