Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week of January 7 Seasonal Picks

Hi everyone and Happy New Year. I hope that you and your families had a great holiday season. Let's make one of our resolutions to feed our babies only the purest, healthiest foods possible. Here is January's menu. The eggplant, squash, sweet potatoes and apples are still in season locally and have been incredibly popular so they are making a reappearance. Other than that, we've added a few new ones that should be a hit! Again, complementary delivery available on orders of 3 dozen or more. Please request a minimum of 6 cubes per type.
Send your orders as well as any requests to Thanks!

Peas and Carrots: always a classic :) beta carotene, potassium and iron
ingredients: organic carrots, organic sweet peas, purified water

Winter Fruities: full of antioxidants, polyphenols, pectin, and vitamin C
ingredients: organic bosu pears, organic kiwis, organic fuji apples, organic grapes

Beans, Beans, and Beans: protein, fiber, and nutrients
ingredients: organic lentils, organic green beans, organic lima beans, purified water

Roasted Eggplant with Squash and Italian Seasoning: eggplant is rich in potassium and nasunin. nasunin has a potent antioxidant property and is useful in protecting brain cell membranes. squash is high in manganese and vitamin C
ingredients: organic purple eggplant, organic yellow squash, organic italian seasoning, purified water

Sweet Potatoes, Apples and Cinnamon: every baby's favorite, mix with a non-favorite to help it go down. sweet potatoes are a superfood and an apple a day, you know what they say...
ingredients: organic sweet potatoes, organic fuji apple, organic cinnamon, purified water

Winter Greenies: ingredients to be decided but this weeks herb will be sweet basil which babies seem to love. at least five different fresh, organic veggies chock full of nutrients!

Please place orders by Friday night, I will go to the farmer's market Saturday and deliver on Monday or Tuesday! Thanks!

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