Friday, February 6, 2009

February Menu

Love is definately in the air! You can show your little one your love by offering her the pure, nutrient-rich flavors of Baby Fresh. We definately have some great flavors available this month. Apples are looking and tasting amazing; still local California grown. Bell peppers have been especially vibrant as well so we've decided to branch out on greenies and do a new combination! Please place your orders by Monday, February 9. Six cube minimum order per flavor. Deliveries will begin Thursday, February 12, complimentary with 3 dozen or more order. As always, email orders to

Zuccini, Asparagus, and Bell Pepper- this will be month version of greenies. This dish is high in Vitamins A, C, and B6. The bell peppers are natural anti-inflammatories and asparagus will help keep the kidneys healthy. ingredients: organic zuccini squash, organic asparagus, organic green bell peppers, organic extra virgin olive oil.

Just Apples- Apples have been incredibly tasty and mix well with just about everything. High in pectin and fiber. We are leaving the skins on to increase nutrients but will slowly simmer them to ensure they are tender enough for little mouths. Apples aid in keeping bowels regular and the digestive tract performing at it's best! ingredients: organic fugi apples, organic gala apples, organic granny smith apples, purified water for simmering.

Winter Squash with Nutmeg- Winter squash is high in potassium, magnesium, and vitamin A. It has a texture and flavor that babies love. When roasted, a nutty flavor comes out which pairs perfectly with nutmeg. Nutmeg is used in eastern medicine to stimulate mental activity, soothe a stomach ache, and stop diarrhea. ingredients: assorted organic winter squash (will update after visiting farmer's markets and seeing what looks best), organic nutmeg

Beans, Beans and Beans- This high protein, high fiber dish is a nutrient powerhouse and was well liked by the babies. It is making a repeat performance! ingredients: organic brown lentils, organic green beans, organic lima beans, purified water

Sweet Potatoes, Apples and Cinnamon- The hands-down favorite here at Baby Fresh. A true superfood, high in beta-carotine, a natural anti-inflammatory and very tasty! ingredients: organic sweet potatoes, organic gala apples, organic cinnamon, purified water

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chunky Bites

For the last couple months Annie, who turned one January 15, has been more and more interested in feeding herself. Other than cubing up bananas, grapes, and avocados, we were having a hard time coming up with fruits and vegetables that would make good finger foods. Organic fruit cups or freeze dried fruits were hard to come by but most fruits and vegetables seemed scary by how hard they are. We spent much time trying to figure out how to cook vegetables that could be diced but still mushy, would freeze well and could be easily served.

We are pleased to announce our first tastes of "Chunky Bites". Our first vegetable will be organic zucchini and our first fruit will be organic apple. Annie has really been enjoying both of these and it is so convenient to let her feed herself something other than noodles or cereal! They will be available with the first February orders and will still be available by the cube, only diced instead of pureed. Simply defrost in the fridge overnight or the same way as you do the purees. We are looking forward to expanding this line and can't wait to share them with your babies!

*note: While a full set of teeth are not required (Annie has just two), we do recommend waiting until your baby is at least 10 months old before offering chunky bites. It is also important to always be near your child when allowing self-feeding practice in case of choking.

Why organics?

A recent article in the Dec/Jan issue of FitPregnancy offered a great explanation to why we here at Baby Fresh find organic products so important. It was was written by Christopher Gavigan, author of Healthy Child, Healthy World: Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home. Here are a few excerpts...

"Non-organic foods may contain pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, synthetic growth hormones, preservatives and additives. Because some baby foods are made from concentrated fruits and vegetables, non-organic versions may harbor especially high levels of chemical residues.

Even low levels of contaminants can accumulate quickly in a small child's body. That's because children ages 1 through 5 eat three to four times as much food per pound of body weight as an average American adult. In addition, a child's developing central nervous, immune and hormonal systems are more vulnerable and less able to detoxify contaminants.

A growing body of evidence suggests that certain toxins (such as pesticides) may impair children's health and development, so consider precautionary action and chose an organic diet for your little one whenever possible. Some studies also show that organic foods contain more antioxidants and other nutrients than conventionally produced ones...

Certain foods have more chemical residues than others; these include meat, poultry, eggs and dairy, as well as what the Environmental Working Group calls "The Dirty Dozen"...

Commit to trying to feed your baby 100 percent organic for at least his first year. When he gets older, choose organic for the foods he eats most often."

It's unfortunate that we have to worry about all of these contaminants here in America, and that the FDA continues to support letting the farmer's do whatever it takes to yield a larger crop. Until they realize the damage they are causing to the population, we must be diligent to do our own research and to serve our babies only the best options out there.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week of January 7 Seasonal Picks

Hi everyone and Happy New Year. I hope that you and your families had a great holiday season. Let's make one of our resolutions to feed our babies only the purest, healthiest foods possible. Here is January's menu. The eggplant, squash, sweet potatoes and apples are still in season locally and have been incredibly popular so they are making a reappearance. Other than that, we've added a few new ones that should be a hit! Again, complementary delivery available on orders of 3 dozen or more. Please request a minimum of 6 cubes per type.
Send your orders as well as any requests to Thanks!

Peas and Carrots: always a classic :) beta carotene, potassium and iron
ingredients: organic carrots, organic sweet peas, purified water

Winter Fruities: full of antioxidants, polyphenols, pectin, and vitamin C
ingredients: organic bosu pears, organic kiwis, organic fuji apples, organic grapes

Beans, Beans, and Beans: protein, fiber, and nutrients
ingredients: organic lentils, organic green beans, organic lima beans, purified water

Roasted Eggplant with Squash and Italian Seasoning: eggplant is rich in potassium and nasunin. nasunin has a potent antioxidant property and is useful in protecting brain cell membranes. squash is high in manganese and vitamin C
ingredients: organic purple eggplant, organic yellow squash, organic italian seasoning, purified water

Sweet Potatoes, Apples and Cinnamon: every baby's favorite, mix with a non-favorite to help it go down. sweet potatoes are a superfood and an apple a day, you know what they say...
ingredients: organic sweet potatoes, organic fuji apple, organic cinnamon, purified water

Winter Greenies: ingredients to be decided but this weeks herb will be sweet basil which babies seem to love. at least five different fresh, organic veggies chock full of nutrients!

Please place orders by Friday night, I will go to the farmer's market Saturday and deliver on Monday or Tuesday! Thanks!