Saturday, November 8, 2008

What's a Serving?

Many of us wonder if our baby is eating too much or not enough. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a "serving" for babies and toddlers is one tablespoon per year of age. However, babies under one are still receiving the majority of their nutrition from breast milk or formula. When introducing babies to solids, it is important to do so slowly. Start with one meal a day and work up to three. At first, one serving of our food may seem like more than enough. By your baby's first birthday, a meal will consist of two to three cubes. The great thing about our portion size is that it allows you to make just the right amount. If you offer your baby one cube and they seem to still be hungry, just quickly defrost another cube. Our portions help ensure that you are neither wasting food or trying to offer more than needed just because it's there.

One cube of our organic baby food offers two tablespoons of nutrition. To help you keep track, 2 1/2 produce cubes would fulfill your babies "5 a day" at one year. A cube of stage 3 food is considered one serving veggie and one serving protein. However, all babies are different. Please remember that more important than how much your baby is eating, diversity is key! Eat the rainbow! If you serve green at lunch, serve orange at dinner. This is how "greenies" and "fruities" were born. Feel free to email us for more information.

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